Buddy Lous was playing it outside the restaurant so ya.
Someone with a name that rhymes with Slavery complained that last weeks email was too short so I'm going to do my best to fix that.
After a very short preparation day we went to Bs.
Anyway B loves horses so we think she will do a great job being a friend to H. They also breed German Shepherds. They have like 30. And as we left I was like shoot I forgot to take pictures. Sorry Mom. But I got to hold the cutest tiny dog in the world so that was great.
At dinner they invited the S's over as well. So they got in a conversation about tractors. So I was very confused for like 35 minutes. Ya. Wild.
We were sick. Oof. Of course I hadn't been feeling well since Saturday of last week but then Elder A got sick too so we had to stay in. Which is SOOOO boring! But I did get to take a nap like 14 times and I read 21 chapters of Genesis. Which now I understand why we need the Book of Mormon. Because the Bible is very confusing.
We were sick again. We stayed in most of the day. But we went to the Ms and taught them a lesson about our DIVINE POTENTIAL so that was pretty cool. Then Brother O called and asked if we could stack his wood. So we did it. I haven't really talked much about my physical shape since I left the MTC. I started working out hardcore a couple of weeks ago, but I lost 12 pounds really fast and then I gained 15 back in muscle. I am actually way proud of myself. But anyways while we were stacking wood he asked me to throw some of the wood like 15 yards away. Each piece of wood weighs about 8 or 9 pounds. I was throwing for like an hour. All that wood. It was soooooo much fun to do something other than pushups and stuff like it for once! After that we had dinner with President H. That was awesome cause C is the greatest cook ever. Anyway that was sweet. After we went to the church and taught A a recent convert lesson. She's awesome and her daughter and her are coming out to Utah for General Conference and to tour BYU. So I told her all the coolest places to go in Utah. Made me feel like such a veteran lol.
We didn't feel fantastic still so we stayed in till 12 and then went out. We didn't get into any houses but that's alright. I love walking. It was raining SO hard. Like it doesn't rain like that back home. So we drove instead of walking... But then we had dinner with B who is my favorite guy ever. He is just the greatest. After dinner we went out with President H and we went to the Ks. That man would make a great apostle if he didn't have such a thick southern accent.
It was ZONE CONFERENCE! I got to see Elder B who is basically like my 12th best friend now. He's so cool. Anyway. Zone conference had a lot of stuff on our attitude. I've noticed when I have a good attitude things are soooo much easier. Plus President dropped a teaser about how much changes are going to happen in the next transfer and by the sounds of it H is getting another set of missionaries. That will super help this place out! If that happens I think I am going to move down to B so that would spice things up for sure. After that we had a BOMB lesson with D. He is very slowly progressing. But while we were giving the lesson his mom, who we gave a bunch of pamphlets the other day, asked me to explain to her living prophets and she LOVED that idea so I think she might be coming along faster than D.
We only got in with the Ks all day. But they are cool and I love them so that was good. We tested out our lesson we were going to use later that night on them and it went fantastic. We had dinner with Ss aka the 4th smartest man in the world. We had lasagna and I had a not pleasant experience afterwards if you know what I mean. My stomach seriously hurt for like 20 minutes. But then we had a ward missionary meeting. That was good to talk about some things the ward needs. After that we had to go to H and do a baptismal interview. Since it was a 19 year old girl I had to go into the interview with Elder A and I had the strongest impression ever to tell her that as she lives the gospel she will bring a ton of people into the church with her. She was super happy with that. Then afterwards the Elders in H told us she was thinking about serving a mission and I was like confirmed the church and spirit are true. After that we had a lesson with the Ds. They are sweet. We used the lesson we practiced earlier with the Ks.But anyway the lesson was on eternal marriage and he told a story about himself. He was on his way to stay in DC the night before him and his wife got married in the temple and he fell asleep at the wheel. He drove a car, with him and his sister, into a ditch. He wasn't too hurt but his sisters eyeball popped out. Sidenote, Elder A is squeamish so he almost threw up when he told this story. So he got out of the car and there was a man at the top of the ditch who didn't have a car. He told President H that he had already sent his companion for help. Then help arrived. They never found out who the guy was and I am convinced it was John the Beloved. Anyway he told that to explain that if you truly desire a temple marriage Heavenly Father is going to help you make that happen. That was pretty sweet.
We had church. After church they had a linger longer with cookies and milk. I ate way too many cookies. After that we had dinner with the S's. They live way the heck out in L which is by G which isnt by anything. It's like 20 minutes from B. But he has a HUGE house and he said after my mission I could come stay at their house and I could tube down the river by his house cause he owns a mile of it. So ya I'm going to have to do that. He has the nicest dog named B and I love it. I wish every dog was as good as B, unfortunately, there is only one other I've met I my life and its name is Z and he is the most adorable husky ever.
That's all for the week folks
Now for question time!
Anyway missions are the greatest. Oooh I forgot cool experience.
Wednesday night I was trying to sleep and then the spirit said, "Get up!" And I was like ok. But nothing happened so I went back to bed. I fell asleep and then I woke up to the same thing. So I got up and nothing happened so I went to sleep. Then it happened again! I woke up and I went into another room and started praying. As I was praying some pretty powerful things happened and I got some serious personal revelations about missionary izak and post missionary Izak and it was pretty amazing. If we listen to the spirit this can happen for anyone.
Well much love from Hancock!
I love all of you. Keep emailing!
Don't let the cat in the house,
Elder Pew
Someone with a name that rhymes with Slavery complained that last weeks email was too short so I'm going to do my best to fix that.
After a very short preparation day we went to Bs.
Anyway B loves horses so we think she will do a great job being a friend to H. They also breed German Shepherds. They have like 30. And as we left I was like shoot I forgot to take pictures. Sorry Mom. But I got to hold the cutest tiny dog in the world so that was great.
At dinner they invited the S's over as well. So they got in a conversation about tractors. So I was very confused for like 35 minutes. Ya. Wild.
We were sick. Oof. Of course I hadn't been feeling well since Saturday of last week but then Elder A got sick too so we had to stay in. Which is SOOOO boring! But I did get to take a nap like 14 times and I read 21 chapters of Genesis. Which now I understand why we need the Book of Mormon. Because the Bible is very confusing.
We were sick again. We stayed in most of the day. But we went to the Ms and taught them a lesson about our DIVINE POTENTIAL so that was pretty cool. Then Brother O called and asked if we could stack his wood. So we did it. I haven't really talked much about my physical shape since I left the MTC. I started working out hardcore a couple of weeks ago, but I lost 12 pounds really fast and then I gained 15 back in muscle. I am actually way proud of myself. But anyways while we were stacking wood he asked me to throw some of the wood like 15 yards away. Each piece of wood weighs about 8 or 9 pounds. I was throwing for like an hour. All that wood. It was soooooo much fun to do something other than pushups and stuff like it for once! After that we had dinner with President H. That was awesome cause C is the greatest cook ever. Anyway that was sweet. After we went to the church and taught A a recent convert lesson. She's awesome and her daughter and her are coming out to Utah for General Conference and to tour BYU. So I told her all the coolest places to go in Utah. Made me feel like such a veteran lol.
We didn't feel fantastic still so we stayed in till 12 and then went out. We didn't get into any houses but that's alright. I love walking. It was raining SO hard. Like it doesn't rain like that back home. So we drove instead of walking... But then we had dinner with B who is my favorite guy ever. He is just the greatest. After dinner we went out with President H and we went to the Ks. That man would make a great apostle if he didn't have such a thick southern accent.
It was ZONE CONFERENCE! I got to see Elder B who is basically like my 12th best friend now. He's so cool. Anyway. Zone conference had a lot of stuff on our attitude. I've noticed when I have a good attitude things are soooo much easier. Plus President dropped a teaser about how much changes are going to happen in the next transfer and by the sounds of it H is getting another set of missionaries. That will super help this place out! If that happens I think I am going to move down to B so that would spice things up for sure. After that we had a BOMB lesson with D. He is very slowly progressing. But while we were giving the lesson his mom, who we gave a bunch of pamphlets the other day, asked me to explain to her living prophets and she LOVED that idea so I think she might be coming along faster than D.
We only got in with the Ks all day. But they are cool and I love them so that was good. We tested out our lesson we were going to use later that night on them and it went fantastic. We had dinner with Ss aka the 4th smartest man in the world. We had lasagna and I had a not pleasant experience afterwards if you know what I mean. My stomach seriously hurt for like 20 minutes. But then we had a ward missionary meeting. That was good to talk about some things the ward needs. After that we had to go to H and do a baptismal interview. Since it was a 19 year old girl I had to go into the interview with Elder A and I had the strongest impression ever to tell her that as she lives the gospel she will bring a ton of people into the church with her. She was super happy with that. Then afterwards the Elders in H told us she was thinking about serving a mission and I was like confirmed the church and spirit are true. After that we had a lesson with the Ds. They are sweet. We used the lesson we practiced earlier with the Ks.But anyway the lesson was on eternal marriage and he told a story about himself. He was on his way to stay in DC the night before him and his wife got married in the temple and he fell asleep at the wheel. He drove a car, with him and his sister, into a ditch. He wasn't too hurt but his sisters eyeball popped out. Sidenote, Elder A is squeamish so he almost threw up when he told this story. So he got out of the car and there was a man at the top of the ditch who didn't have a car. He told President H that he had already sent his companion for help. Then help arrived. They never found out who the guy was and I am convinced it was John the Beloved. Anyway he told that to explain that if you truly desire a temple marriage Heavenly Father is going to help you make that happen. That was pretty sweet.
We had church. After church they had a linger longer with cookies and milk. I ate way too many cookies. After that we had dinner with the S's. They live way the heck out in L which is by G which isnt by anything. It's like 20 minutes from B. But he has a HUGE house and he said after my mission I could come stay at their house and I could tube down the river by his house cause he owns a mile of it. So ya I'm going to have to do that. He has the nicest dog named B and I love it. I wish every dog was as good as B, unfortunately, there is only one other I've met I my life and its name is Z and he is the most adorable husky ever.
That's all for the week folks
Now for question time!
Did you miss church because you were sick last week or did you go home after the first hour?
No I was there the whole time
Are you still sick? No
Have you shared Gwen's email and Emily's testimony with the girls?Yes on the email no on the video. She is really shy so don't be surprised if she doesn't ever respond but I know she appreciated it. So thanks Gwen
What did you get from Pizza Hut? Was it good?I got an entire large pizza with extra cheese and stuffed crust. It's funny every time I eat now I think of Taran cause most of his emails are food reviews. I love it.
What was the best thing that happened this week?The best thing that happened this week was the lesson with the D's tbh
Did you learn anything new this week? No
Did you pick up any new people to teach? No
Are the people there into March Madness? If so who do they root for? Not really. E is but we didn't get to see her cause we were sick.
Do you like calling/video calling? Why? Yes. Because I get to talk to my family.
How was the weather there? Does it rain a lot?The weather has been mostly fine. It hasn't rained a ton but when it did it was wild.
Are there any foods you miss?I miss sweet pork. That's pretty much it.
How is D? D didn't come to church but it's ok I am being really patient with him.
How did you do on the vitamins?Vitamins 7 for freaking 7 woot woot! Now if I can do it twice in a row I'll be surprised but yep. Nailed it.

Anyway missions are the greatest. Oooh I forgot cool experience.
Wednesday night I was trying to sleep and then the spirit said, "Get up!" And I was like ok. But nothing happened so I went back to bed. I fell asleep and then I woke up to the same thing. So I got up and nothing happened so I went to sleep. Then it happened again! I woke up and I went into another room and started praying. As I was praying some pretty powerful things happened and I got some serious personal revelations about missionary izak and post missionary Izak and it was pretty amazing. If we listen to the spirit this can happen for anyone.
Well much love from Hancock!
I love all of you. Keep emailing!
Don't let the cat in the house,
Elder Pew