If you know ya know🤷🏽♂️
It seems like just 20 minutes ago I was writing you last time. Time moves at the fastest slow pace I've ever experienced.
Well now for the w
We taught our catholic friend and she said she would read the Book of Mormon but only if we read the Catechism and prayed about it being true as well. After that we went to the Ks and taught the first missionary discussion to D while T sat and listened. So hopefully this idea works.
I was in Antietam with Elder B2!!! We had a pretty wacko day. Do you wanna hear about it? Well too bad I'm telling you anyway. So we were walking down the street in downtown H, which is sketchy stuff (they call it mini Baltimore), and this guy yells to us and says, "Hey do you guys have a Book of Mormon!?" which as a missionary is like the prime situation. So we turned and said, "Yes do you want one." And he says, "I wouldn't want to take your only copy" and we said "Oh don't worry we have tons." And he says, "Nah." And we just sat there and were thinking what the heck just happened when not even 5 minutes later we knocked this door and this probably 11 year old girl answered the door and walked outside. She said, "is that a book?" and I said, "Ya" and she said, "Do we have to read it?" and I said, "Only if you want too." and she says, "I'll read it." and I said, "You can have this one." and she grabbed it and walked inside. That was soooo weird.
We exchanged back at Mcdonalds in C. Then we talked to this guy named Chuck Norris. Lol like seriously Chuck Norris. That was funny. Then we had our last lesson with the M's. We talked about the Priesthood because J just got the Melchizedek Priesthood. And at the end he gave his mom a blessing. And since his dad isn't a member we got to teach him how to give it. That was a cool moment. We found this new lady named D in these hidden apartments. That was cool. Then we talked to E for like 2 seconds.
We mowed Brother Os massive yard that is on a hill. Then we found this lady who is super interested in our message and she has 5 kids, all older than the age of 8 and she is married. So if they all get baptized at the same time that would be super cool. Then we saw our man D. Then we saw J for like 2 minutes and finished out the night with C.
We went on an exchange with the H Elders and since their ride had to go to C we had 4 missionaries in H at once. We went to a "Cross-walk" not the kind that children use to get to school. They legit had a guy carrying the cross up the hill to the Catholic church. We went to represent. I got to ring the bell at the Catholic church tho. The rope for it was a little high in the air so when the bell would swing up and pull it in the air it would lift me like 6 inches off the ground so that was hilarious I was DYING! Then we went to H. We taught some sweet lessons.
We switched back. Thank goodness, then we had a meeting about family history that was cool. We had a pretty uneventful day after that tho... It was rough but we had a good time. We got to see the Hs. That was good.
We found out about transfers. This is one thing nobody prepared me for. It is so dang stressful lol. Well I am leaving this little slice of heaven for L. Amish country. Should be fun. And I'll be with a new companion Elder A2. Should be a great time. Anyway Sunday was basically the beginning of our farewell tour. We kind of just visited our favorites and said goodbye.
I am definitely going to miss this place. I love the people and I feel like I am part of the community in a way that I wasn't expecting. The people here might have less teeth than I do fingers and yet somehow the same amount of hair but it has still been amazing. Definitely going to miss it.
Question time
How do you feel about being transferred? I feel sad/excited/nervous but mostly nervous tbh
Who will you miss the most? I am going to miss the H family the most. They pretty much are your family when you're a missionary here.
What did you do for Easter? We visited members mostly that we wanted to say goodbye to.
CAn you tell the story about the money Aunt Teresa sent you? Well I came home from the exchange and got the money from Teresa which was super awesome. That night we got a call just as we were going to bed. It was E and she was telling us about how their dog D needed to go to the hospital or else he was going to die and they needed 90 dollars or else he was going to die. So we ran over and gave them the money Teresa gave me and a few more dollars that Elder A had on him and the dog as far as I know is still alive! Plus when we went over there someone else we teach was there and saw us give them the money and it made her really happy to see us do that.
Did you go on any exchanges this week? Yes 2
I went to H and A
What was the best thing you ate this week?Taco Bell!
What is the funniest thing that happened this week? Probably the guy asking for a Book of Mormon and then giving it back in like 4 seconds
Sorry I don't have any crazy spiritual stuff this week.
Don't let the cat in the house!
Elder Pew!
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Good-bye "Elder Bush" |
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