Spirit. What a great movie.
Well I know you are all probably wondering. Why the heck did Izak not email yesterday? Well it is because President Mutombo is an inspired man with a plan(good rhyme eh?) And he told us that because of Presidents day we were to have preparation day on tuesday instead. I was kinda mad at first but I am glad I always try to follow his counsel cause he knows way more than me. Anyway...
For some reason I did not write in my journal.
Today we had exchanges. I went with Elder E. We stayed in Hancock so I was in charge. Don't worry we only missed one appointment because I didn't know where the heck we were. He likes sports so we talked basketball and I decided my all time starting five.
At PG: Either Steph Curry or Steve Nash. I can't decide
At SG: MJ duh
At SF: LeGoat James also duh
At PF: Karl Malone cause I'm from Utah
At Center: Kareem Abdul Jabbar, not because of the cool name but cause he's good.
Well enough sports let's get back to the good stuff. We had an awesome lesson with N. I felt awesome teaching and it was awesome and I'm pretty sure I'm awesome because I trust in God and he's awesome. Anyways that's pretty much all we had the chance to do today.
We went to Pennsylvania to visit as many less active members as possible. We had dinner with the Hs which is always awesome and it was the most DIVINE roast I've ever had. Sorry mom I still love yours don’t stop making it but this stuff was next level!
The only highlight of Thursday was that I realized it was my second to last valentines day as a single man. Thank goodness.
I bet you laughed at that one.
So now is when the big announcement happened. We went wild in the park where we were doing comp study. That was wild. Like seriously I was happy for the rest of that day. We also had a miracle this day... it goes something like this
So ya'll know how knocking on doors at 8:50 at night isn't that effective... So a couple nights ago we were walking back to the apartment and Elder A is like "Hey you wanna knock a door at 8:50 at night?" And I'm like "Sure I guess." So we did. This guy poked his head out the window and his girlfriend lowkey sneak attacked us while we were talking to him. We talked to her and she said she went to Lifehouse church in H. She said she wanted her boyfriend to learn more about Jesus Christ. So we went back home and on the way back I turned to Elder A and said "I'm pretty sure they are ELECT." And he's like "Ya I feel the same way." The next couple of days they weren't home. THEN today we were on our way back at like 7:30ish and I'm like "Elder A, let's go visit those people from the Lifehouse church." And he's like "Ya cool." So we did. We were talking for a while and she said she was talking to her boyfriend about Prophets in the Old Testament, like Noah and Jonah. So then I'm like "What would it mean to you if there was a prophet like that on the earth today?" And she said "That would mean everything to me cause then I would know where to go for guidance." Then I said "Well we have good news for you, in our church we believe there is a prophet alive on earth today." And I'm telling you her eyes grew to the size of a balloon. So Elder A says "Ya'll have 20 mins to watch a video?" And they say "Well we aren't doing anything else." So we showed them the movie about the Restoration. We told them to focus on how they feel during it. After the video we asked them how they felt. And she said she felt motivated, which was cool, BUT THEN her boyfriend says, and I'm not kidding you, "I felt something inside of me, but it is too hard to describe." Then Elder A once again showed how much of an awesome missionary he is and said "That feeling is the Holy Ghost." Then went into detail on how they could feel the spirit by reading and praying and coming to church. Then we testified of living Prophets and then she said she was excited to learn more so she could come to know if it is for her. So we left them with a Book of Mormon and a challenge to read it and pray about it. They also committed to come to church on Sunday.
Long story short. When the spirit says to knock on a door at 8:50 at night do it!
So that was lit.
I don’t remember anything about Saturday.
Sunday was wild. We went to church. Awhile back we met this guy who was in a parking lot and he said he would come to church in two weeks. As a missionary when someone says that we think there is no way it'll happen. Well spoiler it did happen. He came and LOVED it. Oh also everyone we taught came to church. Ya we had 10 people at church which is INSANE. We also sang Be Still My Soul, my favorite hymn, in sacrament meeting. I was fantastic. We can leave it at that right?
Another miracle happened before the day was done. We went to the Ks. The son of the other Ks. He's an awesome active member but his wife and children aren't even members. Missionaries have been trying to baptize them for 7 years. We went over there and I asked them if they would be baptized and they said yes. Freaking heck being a missionary is awesome!
Not a lot happened. It was a good day tho. Being a missionary is the best.
Ok so I heard there was a few of you who still don't understand my descriptions of my area... well here is a much easier one to understand.
Also our ton of lunchables is nearly gone. Like seriously idk how that's even possible but it happened.
Anyway its question answering time now.
On P days we don't do much besides just kinda chill all day.
The ward technically has 400ish members but 300ish of them are less active. So we do a lot of visiting of members to try and get them to help get the less active members back to church.
The most surprising thing of this week was how quickly those lunchables disappeared tbh
I will call today and we can figure something out for calling. (Izak called this morning and spoke with us for about 15 minutes and had family prayer with us, it was good)
Elder A has been here 2 transfers more than me.
There is 4 companionships in my district. Elders and sisters in H, Elders in Antietam so Elder B1 and us
I am sleeping well. But right outside our window is the popular place to drag race so that can get annoying.
Vitamins.... 4/7 which I think is a personal best... I'm not sure but I think it is.
Spiritual thought
This week I was thinking a lot about joy. I was thinking about how as a kid keeping the commandments was super hard and how I didn't like it. But then I realized. If I am not comfortable following Gods rules now, what makes me think I'll be comfortable following his rules in the celestial kingdom. That is the end goal. To be there with my family someday. And if I can't follow Gods counsel now, I won't feel comfortable doing it then. I won't be able to, it's as simple as that. So then I was thinking about who I am. And I think as a missionary I'm finally finding this out. Like the song says "Here I am, this is me, there's no where else on earth I'd rather be." I feel that way about my mission. There is no place I'd rather be than giving back 2 years of my life to someone that gave me so much, even Jesus Christ. It's not much of a challenge if you look at it that way.
Also sidenote. Did anybody else get the feeling that Heavenly Mother had the idea to let us call every week or was that just me?
I love this mission, I love this gospel. I can't wait to call pretty soon here.
I love you all, keep choosing the right,
Keep the emails coming... And lastly, don't let the cat in the house,
Elder Pew
Also you're all beautiful people, don't ever forget it.
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GW's bath tub pretty amazing! |
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GW's bath tub |