I leave on Tuesday thank goodness. I leave outrageously early good goof. I will be able to call around 2ish... I'm so very excited about that. I'm excited to meet my mission president and my next comp...
Anyway, ladies and gents, the moment you've all been waiting for. The EMAIL.
We ended the day with class from Elder J who is an absolute legend. I think I cried in that class. Not sure but I think so.
This was a great day. I got to meet with President Samuelian again and that went super well. I got another blessing from him and I'm telling you I am striving to be as spiritually in tune as he is. The night ended with a devotional. The speaker was the dude (sorry for the slang) who made the other side of heaven.
Twas good
Elder Godoy spoke. He's hilarious. It was amazing tho I loved it. His wife had a great quote. "Don't let your FEAR overwhelm your FAITH" Faith and fear cannot exist together. Faith must win. If we have faith in Jesus Christ's atonement then everything will be ok. I have learned a lot about faith since I got here.
We had the worst TRC of all time. But it's ok me and my companions did not let that discourage us. The new district of elders came in and guess the freaking what. Elder Talavou Fitisemanu is in my zone! Hes so sweet. He is assigned to be the next Zone Leader after we leave. Hes gonna do great. Oh also we got to host. Which basically means I got to tell kids to not let the cat in the house all day. That was awesome.
We had the greatest TRC of all time. We had the most BOMB lesson on the plan of salvation all lined up. We get there and she's just eating it all up. Like I mean she was clinging to every word we said. Then all the sudden I was filled with the spirit. Next thing I know the words "Will you follow the example of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ and take the first step towards making it to the celestial kingdom by being baptized by someone holding the proper authority of God?" All of the sudden my comps mouths were in the shape of AF canyon and she said "I would love that" then she told me my eyes were glowing, which my comps said was true. So ya. Basically that was amazing. Also I schooled all the new elders at basketball which was lit again.
Great day... Only negative was there was biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Basically they tasted great, but, felt like bricks if you know what I mean.
Awesome now for answering questions time.
I am still sorta sick but I'm telling you it's the fact that all we ever eat here is fake chicken and brownies.
I have seen soooooo many LP kids. I don't think I could list them all if I tried. But like I said earlier Vou is in my zone so ya that's sick.
Most of the missionaries in my district love sports. They are all really funny. There's a few of us that love music and so we love that. I'm serious I've made lifelong friends from the MTC it is awesome.
My teachers names are Sister G and Brother J. I'll send you their emails so you can add them to the next edition of this email.
I went 3/7 on my vitamins this week so I'm pretty sure I've reached GOAT status for that.
I. AM. SO. EXCITED. For Baltimore. That's all.
As for Señorita dying. (His high school Spanish teacher died suddenly last week). Super sad. I was sad when I found out. But to anyone feeling sad about her passing just remember God has a plan. The fact that the being who rules all in the universe has a plan should be comfort enough. That being said, if you need help or are feeling sad, don't hesitate to get help from someone. Too many people have the ability to help you for you to hide your feelings. I know cause I've done it. And I promise that as you do the things that draw you closer to Heavenly Father the more you're going to be able to feel that plan being in effect.
The FUNNY stuff
This week didn't have too many incredibly funny things. Elder H and Elder S had to stay till they got their visas so they leave on Monday now so we get them to hang with us all day now and they are hilarious.
Overall tho. I love it here. I can't wait for Baltimore and the next step of this. I love everyone I've met while here. And although some moments are just the worst I don't think I've ever thought about anything negative. I just keep focused on the next step.
Spiritual thought this week comes from Ether 3. It's the story of the brother of Jared. (Sidenote, who names one of their kids Jared and names the other one Mahonri Moriancumr, that's almost as bad as Alan, Hyrum, Samuel, William, Joseph, and DON CARLOS) When the Lord shows his finger to the brother of Jared, Jared falls over. Understandable. First thing I noticed was the Lord asks "Arise, why has thou fallen?" I'm thinking. Why would someone who knows everything ask a question? Well it was to test his faith, which was tremendous btw, and because that is how we teach. Teaching by asking questions is the best way. It's all we talk about in the MTC and I testify of its importance. Next thing I noticed. In verse 9 it says
9 And the Lord said unto him: Because of thy faith thou hast seen that I shall take upon me flesh and blood; and never has man come before me with such exceeding faith as thou hast; for were it not so ye could not have seen my finger. Sawest thou more than this?
Which is cool. That's all. Jk let me explain... no there is too much let me sum up. If we don't have faith we might miss the little "fingers" the Lord is putting into our lives. BOOM MIC DROP.
Look for those moments. Nothing is more rewarding.
Anyway I love you alllllllll mostly.
Nah I'm kidding I love you all lots.
Emails are much appreciated.
Prayers are appreciated more.
I miss you all but don't worry that's not effecting me.
Don't let the cat in the house.
Elder Pew
Oh PS in my very last letter I'll explain the cat thing, but all of you are gonna have to wait for that. Sorry I guess...
I'm sorry your lips look like broccoli! -Elder D
You left your sleep socks on my bed you weird goat - Elder B
I'm still having boiled egg burps - Me
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Could this be THE cat? |
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Elder from his district |
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Elder Pew loves cars, especially nice ones |
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Elder Pew and this elder he knew from high school |
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His district and one of his teachers |