Hey hey hey!!!
This week was an interesting one.
Here we go
The best part about this town.
I am in it.
But ya know what's so funny about this. I love this place. It is so hilarious. The people I've met since I got here seriously all talk like mountain man from duck dynasty and it has been hard at times to not laugh my head off.
Basically this area covers 3 main cities. It's a big area.
Anyway I'll get to my week.
Saturday night was awesome. Brother J is the best.
Sunday was great cause I got to meet with President S the GOAT without the bad smell. It ended not so great cause I had to say goodbye to Sister S and D cause they were leaving for Houston that next morning.
Monday was sad. Me and Elder N lost 300 pounds as a companionship when we set Elder B free to convert all of the Houston East mission.
Tuesday was CRAZY. We left for the airport at 4 AM so ya I was pretty exhausted. I got to call home so that was lit, even tho I'm kinda disappointed that you all didn't have any questions for me... Then we got on the plane. I slept for 30 mins and then jolted awake when the helpers in the plane (I forgot what they are called) rolled the soda thing over my foot. That hurt like heaven, queue the song by Coldplay. After that horrendous flight I got to meet the AP's they are the happiest people alive. So that was awesome. Then we met President Mutumbo and I'm telling you he is the funniest guy ever. He laughs like a dolphin noise, and because of that fact he loves dolphins. Because they are strong, powerful, and adaptable. We ate dinner at his house which was AMAZING I do not miss MTC food. I got to meet with him so that was great. He told us about how he was praying one night and he met Jesus. Like just kinda casually threw it out there. He is super awesome! Anyway
Wednesday was also crazy. Long story short they gave us a whole lotta paper. Again. And I got my new companion. More on that l8er. Just know he is awesome. We then drove the 2 hours from Baltimore to H. Which is the city in the really skinny part of Maryland so my area stretches to Pennsylvania in the north and down to WEST VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN MOMMA TAKE ME HOME COUNTRY ROADS. Anyway... we stopped in Frederick for lunch. Then we went out and met people. It was pretty awesome excluding the fact that it was -25 degrees outside. If you think I'm joking you're wrong. It was legit -25. I couldn't raise my eyebrows by the end of the night. And mom I don't think I need this immediately but I need a scarf and good gloves. I then tried to shower in our apartments shower for the first time. Let me tell ya there is no exact science to how it works so 35 percent of the time it gets hot. Not warm but HOT. That was so exciting.
We taught a few lessons. Went and talked to a whole bunch of people on the street. But everyone here smokes. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die young because of second hand smoking. Like seriously. It was good tho. A member in the ward made us lunch, and then took us out for dinner at subway. We met the towns 90 year old, dentist while we were there. He said he wanted to talk to us so we talked to him for a while. Then we drove down to Berkeley Springs and visited a few people. Then we went home and I had a great shower, I am pretty sure I figured out how it works on Thursday.
Today was really exciting. We had a prompting telling us to go to this place they call the styx.. It was snowing pretty hard and the roads just kept getting more and more icy... On the way back after having 0 success. We are tryna turn left. Oh dear goodness all the sudden everything is in slo mo and the Tokyo drift theme is playing. We are sliding like one of those sick videos except we're in a Nissan rogue, not a Maserati. But then my dream of being in Tokyo Drift was crushed by us sliding off the road and getting stuck in a ditch. That was super exciting. We didn't damage the car thank goodness but we had to call a tow truck tho. Ya that was awesome.
Saturday was sweet. We had a great day of rejection until dinner time. Where we got to go play cornhole with the ward. Attention to everyone who thinks they are good at cornhole!!! You are so very wrong. It was like watching professional bowling. It was more about who missed first than who made it the most... CRAZY. If I can pick up that skill then this whole mission will be worth it. We got to talk to a family we are teaching, who are what we call in the mission ELITE they are very prepared. They loved the cornhole activity.
We had church. It was fast Sunday. the family came for their first time. And they came to Sunday school. And LOVED church.
President H invited us over for dinner on Sunday at 3. Then Bishop asked us if we would come over to talk to him at 5:30. Dinner was delicious and I was so full I was gonna puke but then they brought out the most delicious cookies so I ate 12... Then we went over to Bishop's... and he had BURGERS and I could feel my stomach yell out in pain... Alas they were good burgers. After that we did a bunch of street contacting which is actually really fun. We also called D who had a prophetic dream about how he should go to church. Then we called C who ranted about his neighbors making too much noise then I asked him if they were watching the super bowl and he finally realized why they were making so much noise. That was pretty hilarious. I heard the Patriots won... Hopefully that means Tom Brady can retire.
Now is when I answer my mother's questions
Traveling to the mission was as I said, kinda stunk
My companion is Elder A. He is from Utah. He has 8 months left and he is awesome. He is a great teacher and super obedient.
The members love to feed us here. I like that.
Elder B1 is Antietam which isn't very far from us but man am I jealous
Elder B2 is in Gettysburg, so once again I am jealous
Elder N is in Damascus which is the 7th richest city in the USA
I know Sister M is in actual Baltimore
Sisters M, T, and K
I have no idea where they are at.
The best thing that happened to me... I honestly can't think of anything. But it's been pretty great so far.
We do not use come follow me outside of church.
I don't know if there is anything I want for my birthday but I was wondering, when is the other package you sent suppose to get here?
I went 1/7 on the vitamins this week. But I am committed to doing better.
I love this gospel. It brings me happiness. I may not be perfect but I know the person I put my trust in is perfect. And that's what is so great about it. All the people here have no idea what they are missing out on so that is what I'm here to share.
I love you all. Please keep emailing.
I miss you all. I never thought I'd think my family was normal but here I am...
Well that is all.
Don't let the cat in the house,
Elder Pew
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Saying good-bye to Elder B |
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With his MTC Zone Elder Fitisemanu, a friend from high school |
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Not sure what George Bush is doing in the closet or where |
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Meeting his trainer Elder A |